Immunity Boosters and Busters
Immunity is actually the most searched word lately, from morning tea to the last meal at nighttime, all needs to be enriched with immunity boosters. There is absolutely no doubt that we need to be much more focused on what we eat and how we lead a healthier lifestyle, since it is actually the only savior of ourselves in this unprecedented times. To enhance immunity, we really need to include healthy diet and lifestyle choices in our daily living. Simultaneously, reduce those which impairs our immunity. So now we actually need to work on list of Immune busters and boosters, most significantly to live a healthy life. Immune Busters Inadequate sleep Not being active, leading a sedentary lifestyle Too much of S’s – Be it Stress, Sugar, Salt or TranS Fat Eating an excessive amount of of fried foods / processed and junk foods High consumption of carbohydrates Poor Gut Health Alcohol and Smoking Immune Boosters Eating a healthy diet which is quite rich in antioxidant, vitamins as well as...